
Why should teens exercise?
Okay, so you’re keeping your skin clean, you’re eating right and you’re basically doing all you can to feel good and look great! But are you missing out on one of the most important factors in order to have a healthier lifestyle? EXERCISE!
No matter you’re age, gender or shape, you should exercise daily. Exercise strengthens and tones your muscles, as well as keeping your bones strong and your skin healthy. It increases relaxation, it gives you a strong immune function, and enables you to get a better night’s sleep.
Being a teenager myself, I understand that getting into the routine of exercising is hard enough as it is. But you really don’t have to do it all the time. It’s as simple as riding your bike, or walking your dog.

Why is a warm up & cool down important? 

It is so important to warm up before playing any sport or before doing any form of exercise. Warm ups gradually increase the heart rate and your blood circulation, and allows your joints to loosen. It also increases blood flow to the muscles!

A cool down on the other hand should have the opposite affect. It helps your heart rate and breathing to gradually return towards resting levels. It prevents fainting and dizziness, as it stops the blood from pooling in the larger muscles of your body, particularly your legs. It also helps to remove waste products from your muscles such as lactic acid!

With both a warm up and cool down, it is essential that you include some static and dynamic stretches into the process. Stretching the muscles prepares your body for physical activity, and prevents injury.

Stretches include:

Exercises include: 

1. Sit-Ups.

2. Single Leg Tricep Dips.

3. Bicycle Crunches.

4. Side Plank Front Kick.

5. Triangle Crunches.

6. Oblique Crunches.

7. Squat Kick Backs.

8. Windshield Wipers.

9. Mountain Climbers.

10. Single Leg Bridge.

Need more advice on exercise? Email me and I’d be happy to help! tomeeka.davies@icloud.com

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